The marketers guide to the social web in 2014.
Here are 124 of the most fascinating social media statistics and figures from 2013 that can help you better understand the importance of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Vine, LinkedIn, SlideShare, Google+, Pinterest and Snapchat.
Facebook Statistics
1. 67 percent of Internet users in the U.S. are on Facebook, while 82% of UK Internet users are on the network as well. (source: Business Insider)
2. 95 percent of Facebook users log into their account daily. (source: Social Media Today )
3. 30 percent of American get their news from their news feed on Facebook. (source: Mashable)
4. The average number of minutes users spend per month on Facebook is 351 minutes. (source: AllThingsD)
5. 78 percent of US Facebook users are mobile. The network’s global mobile daily active user count increased 10.3 percent from 425 million to 469 million from Q1 to Q2 of this year. (source: TechCrunch)
6. There are 16 million small businesses actively using Facebook pages in 2013. (source: Small Biz Trends)
7. Teens on Facebook have an average of 300 friends on the network. (source:Pew Internet)
8. Over 5 million Facebook users are ten years old and under. (source: Social Media Today )
9. Facebook is the most popular social media app on smartphones and attributes 66% of all social media sharing on iPhones to date. (source:Business Insider)
10. The Like and Share buttons are viewed over 22 billion times daily across more than 7.5 million websites. (source: Facebook)
11. Facebook users have uploaded in excess of 250 billion photos to the social network and the current upload rate averages 350 million photos daily. (source:
12. There are 751 million monthly active mobile users on Facebook. (source:Facebook)
13. 52 percent of all marketers generated a lead from Facebook this year. (source: HubSpot)
14. The number of average likes has risen by 67 percent as of May 2013, since there is an average 4.5 billion daily likes across the web. (source: Facebook)
15. Facebook’s share of total minutes spent on the Internet grew to 15.8 percent over the past year. (source: AllThingsD)
Instagram Statistics
16. Instagram has 150 million monthly active users to date. (source:Nitrogram)
17. There are 35 million selfies posted to Instagram to date. (source: All Twitter)
18. Brands post to Instagram the most frequently on Thursdays, which makes up 20% of all branded content shared on the platform. (source: The Next Web)
19. The average user spends 257 minutes per month on Instagram. (source:Wall Street Journal)
20. On a daily basis there are 1.2 billion likes and 55 million photos shared on Instagram. (source: Nitrogram)
21. After the launch of Instagram video, there has been a 37 percent increase in Instagram shares on Twitter. (source: BuzzFork)
22. There is an average of 55 million photos shared per day on Instagram. (source: Instagram)
23. The first ad on Instagram by Michael Kors gained widespread traction with 229,000 likes, +540% compared to the average number of likes on Kors’ 10 previous photos that only received 42,556 likes. (source: Statigram)
24. Of the Fortune 500 companies in the United States, 22.4 percent have active Instagram accounts but only four percent use Instagram video. (source: Buffer)
25. From September thru October brands were responsible for 40 percent of the most popular Instagram videos published. (source: Sprout Insights)
26. The most photographed brand on Instagram is Nike with over 19 million posts mentioning the #Nike hashtag and adding over 1 million more mentions monthly. (source: Nitrogram)
27. For every 33 likes achieved on Instagram, the photo will see 1 comment on average. (source: TrackMaven)
28. 13 percent of all Internet users are taking and sharing pictures with Instagram today. (source: Pew Internet)
29. 16 percent of male smartphone owners and 20% of female smartphone users use Instagram, while 20 percent of African-American smartphone users and 14 percent of white smartphone users use the mobile app as well. (source:Social Media Today)
30. The most followed business account on Instagram is National Geographic@natgeo, with over 3 million followers, adding close to 300k followers each month. (source: Nitrogram)
Twitter Statistics
31. Twitter has over 100 million daily active users worldwide and 231.7 million monthly active users worldwide to date. (source: Social Media Today)
32. Only about half of the people who log in to Twitter once a month are tweeting, instead spending their time reading the tweets of others. (source:All Twitter)
33. A screening of the anime movie, Castle in the Sky, broke the record for tweets per second with 143,199 tweets sent per second on August 3rd. (source:Twitter)
34. The average time per month spent by users on Twitter is 170 minutes. (source: AllThingsD)
35. 29 percent of Twitter users as of September 2013 are millennials age 15 to 34. (source: All Twitter)
36. The country with the highest number of monthly active tweeting users is Saudi Arabia by 33 percent of their population, followed by 19 percent of Indonesia, 14 percent of Spain and 14 percent of Venezuela. (source: All Twitter)
37. There are approximately 20 million fake Twitter users to date. (source:Business Insider)
38. 63 percent of brands have multiple Twitter accounts, which is an increase of 800 percent from two years prior. (source: Mashable)
39. There are 5,700 tweets sent per second on Twitter. (source: Social Media Today)
40. Every day 135,000 accounts are registered, 58 million tweets are tweeted and 2.1 billion searches performed on Twitter every day. (source: Jeff Bullas)
41. In 2013, 45 percent of Super Bowl ads included Twitter hashtags. These ad related hashtags were mentioned 300,000 times, which is a 273 percent increase from the previous year. (source: & TechCrunch)
42. 55 percent of recruiters use Twitter to find and vet potential candidates, as compared to 94% of recruiters using LinkedIn to perform the same functions. (source: All Twitter)
43. Today 3 million websites and 6 million registered apps integrate with Twitter. (source: Brickfish)
44. 44 percent of Americans hear about tweets through other media on a daily basis. (source:
45. 75 percent of monthly active Twitter users are on mobile, which is about 173 million users. (source: Social Media Today)
Vine Statistics
46. There are 40 million registered users on Vine. (source: Mashable)
47. 5 Vines are tweeted every second. (source: Social Fresh)
48. An average of 12 million Vines are uploaded to Twitter daily. (source: New York Times)
49. A branded Vine video is four-times more likely to be seen than a regular branded video. (source: 7th Chamber)
50. Branded content accounts for four percent of the top 100 Vines to date. (source: Unruly Media)
51. The weekend of February 8th to 9th saw 1,113,897 Vines posted to Twitter which was a record number due to the Grammys, New York Fashion Week and a snowstorm that hit the East Coast all occurring around the same time. (source: Mashable)
52. Only about four percent of highly active users shared a video through Vine or on another video app during Vine’s first month in the app store. (source:TechCrunch)
53. 10 to 11 a.m. is the hour of the day when the most Vines are sent (source:Social Fresh).
54. Harry Styles of One Direction shared the most tweeted Vine that received over 52,000 tweets. (source: Unruly Media)
55. Out of the 10 million Vines sampled by Unruly Media, only 433 had more than 500 tweets, 176 had over 1,000 tweets and just 51 had more than 2,000 tweets. (source: Unruly Media)
56. A record 19,667 Vines were recorded and shared on the day of the Boston Marathon tragedy. (source: Social Fresh)
57. Three of the five most retweeted Vines ever are by musicians. (source:Social Fresh)
58. Vines sees an average engagement rate of 0.03 percent on Twitter, while YouTube videos see an average engagement rate of 0.05 percent. (source:Socialbakers)
LinkedIn Statistics
59. LinkedIn has 259 million users, a 40 percent increase year over year. (source: CNET)
60. There are 3 million LinkedIn company pages connecting 225 million professionals on the network. (source: LinkedIn)
61. 200 conversations occur per minute in LinkedIn groups every day. (source: Mashable)
62. As of February, there was 1 billion endorsements on LinkedIn amongst professionals. (source: LinkedIn)
63. The average time a user spends on LinkedIn is 17 minutes a month. (source: Mashable)
64. 75,000 developers use LinkedIn’s API to create services and tools for professionals. (source: Super Monitoring)
65. 39 percent of users pay for LinkedIn premium, the paid version of the social network used by professionals, job hunters and recruiters. (
66. 30 million students and recent college graduates are active on LinkedIn, one of the quickest growing demographics on the network. (source:LinkedIn)
67. LinkedIn is used as a talent solution by 91 of the Fortune 100 companies. (source: LinkedIn)
68. There are 1.5 million LinkedIn groups as of May 2013 and 81% of users belong to at least one group. (source:
69. When it comes to social login on other websites, 2.4 percent of users use LinkedIn to login to a website. (source: eMarketer)
70. LinkedIn acquired SlideShare for 119 million dollars and Pulse for 90 million dollars in 2013. (source: TechCrunch)
71. 27 percent of LinkedIn users check the network daily in 2013. (source:DashBurst)
72. 64 percent of LinkedIn users are outside of the United States. (
73. Unique visitors increased 30 percent year over year to average 142 million in the third quarter of 2013. (source: LinkedIn)
74. 42 percent of users update their profile on LinkedIn regularly, while 35 percent of LinkedIn users access the site on a daily basis. (source:
SlideShare Statistics
75. SlideShare has 50 million active users as of May 2013. (source: SlideShare)
76. The network receives 159 million page views a month. (source:SlideShare)
77. To date, there has been 10 million presentations uploaded to SlideShare. (source: SlideShare)
78. 51,853 presentations on SlideShare are tagged as social media. (source:SlideShare)
79. 31 percent of uploads occur in Europe, 24 percent in Asia, 23 percent in South America, 19 percent in North America and one percent from Africa. (source: SlideShare)
80. Only 1.7 percent of all presentations are done in Apple’s Keynote software, yet Keynote accounts for 8.2 percent of the most popular presentations. (source: TechCrunch)
81. The most popular tech companies mentioned in presentations are Facebook (39.9 percent), Twitter (28.6 percent), Google (19.1 percent), Microsoft (5.7 percent), and Apple (3.8 percent). (source: TechCrunch)
82. Popular presentations contain more images, 37 on average than other presentations containing 21 images or less. (source: TechCrunch)
83. Women use fewer slides on average, 22 per presentation, than men who often utilize 26 slides per presentation. (source: TechCrunch)
84. SlideShare presentations are embedded on 1.4 million websites, 1 billion slides are viewed monthly on other properties. (source: SlideShare)
85. 3 billion slides are viewed a month, which is 1,140 slides per second. (source: Brandon Gaille)
86. Infographics are liked four times more than presentations, and 23 times more than documents on SlideShare. (source: SlideShare)
87. 30 percent of traffic from social media is from SlideShare. (source:SlideShare)
88. The average number of words per slide is 24. (source: Brandon Gaille)
Google+ Statistics
89. The Google+ platform has 67 percent male users. (source: Digital Insights)
90. Google+ active user base grew by 33 percent from June 2013 to March 2013. (source: Infographic B2B)
91. There are now over 343 million active users on Google+. (source: Digital Insights)
92. Google+ adds 25,000 new users every day, that’s eight new users joining on average every single second. (source: Soshable)
93. 80 percent of users login at least once a week to Google+ and 60 percent of users login everyday. (source: Digital Insights)
94. The average time spent on Google+ is six minutes and 47 seconds. (source: Mashable)
95. The +1 button is served more than 5 billion times per day across the web. (source: Digital Insights)
96. 28 percent of Google+ users are millennials, 15 to 34 years of age. (source:All Twitter)
97. 40 percent of marketers use Google+, 70% desire to learn more and 67 percent plan to increase Google+ activities. (source: Digital Insights)
98. 70 percent of brands have a presence on Google+. (source: Fabric)
99. 40 percent of respondents used social media sites to research and plan their recent travel looked to Google+, making it the second most popular social channel after Facebook for conducting travel research. (source:eMarketer)
100. Google’s share of social logins increased from 25 percent to 31 percent this year. (source: Fabric)
101. 20 million people use Google+ mobile on a monthly basis. (source:Vocus)
102. 41% of online B2C marketers use Google+, alongside 39% of B2B companies for business purposes. (source: Fabric)
Pinterest Statistics
103. Pinterest refers 41% of e-commerce traffic, as compared to the 37% of traffic that Facebook sends on a regular basis. (source: ReadWrite)
104. For 90% of brands, Pinterest is still not a major marketing focus. (source:Mashable)
105. The average Pinterest shopper spends $140 to $180 when coming from the social network to an ecommerce store, while the average user spends $60 to $80 when coming from Facebook. (source: ReadWrite)
106. The most followed boards on Pinterest are L.L. Bean’s Woodland Creatures board with 4,689,706 followers, followed by Jetsetter’s Daily Moment of Zen board with 4,353,320 followers and lastly, Nordstrom’s Garden Wedding Ideas board has amassed 4,199,549 followers. (source:Mashable)
107. Pinterest is the top channel for the iPad with an approximate 50% share of all social activity on the device. (source: Read Write)
108. 70% of total Pinterest pins are actually repins of other previously posted content. (source: Digital Insights)
109. Pinterest has 48.7 million users worldwide. (source: Mashable)
110. Food is the top category of content on Pinterest with 57% of its user base sharing food-related content. (source: Digital Insights)
111. There are 500,000 business accounts active on Pinterest to date. (source:Search Engine Watch)
112. Only 6% of users have connected their Pinterest accounts with their Facebook profile. (source: Digital Insights)
113. Images with multiple dominant colors have 3.25 times more repins than single dominant color images. (source: Curalate)
114. More than 69% of Pinterest users are female, 31% are male. (source:Digital Insights)
115. Images with medium lightness are repinned 20 times more than very dark images. (source: Curalate)
116. 5 million pins per day on Pinterest are pins from articles. (source:TechCrunch)
117. Vertical images with an aspect ratio between 2.3 and 4.5 get 60% more repins than very tall images. (source: Curalate)
Snapchat Statistics
118. Snapchat is used by 18.6% of all iPhone owners. (source: Business Insider)
119. Roughly 70% of Snapchat users are women, 30% are men. (source:Mashable)
120. Snapchat users are now sending 400 million snaps (images) per day. (source: Business Insider)
121. The Snapchat app has about 5 million active users. (source: Inc)
122. Snapchat has reportedly declined acquisition offers from both Google and Facebook for up to $4 billion. (source: Business Insider)
123. Around 80% of Snapchat’s users are in the United States, many are between the ages of 15 to 25. (source: TechCrunch)
124. The average active Snapchat user gets an estimated 20-50 snaps per day, while the most active users get 150 snaps per day. (source: Business Insider)
Here’s an infographic visualizing a few of these key statistics for easier viewing as designed by Nowsourcing and presented by Sparefoot.
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